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  • Profile | Gary Freeman-Science

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  • Who Am I | Gary Freeman-Science

    My History I was raised in Richfield, Idaho and Twin Falls, Idaho. I was born to hard working parents who operated a farm/ranch in Richfield, Idaho. Our best crop was lava rock but the market is saturated for lava rock so it's not a great money making venture. They had sheep early on and when I was four years old we moved to Twin Falls so Dad could better provide for our family. They sold their sheep and equipment and Dad worked for the Southern Idaho Production Credit Assn. He worked there until he retired in the late 1970's. We moved back to Richfield about 1966 and I worked on our farm/ranch through the inflation of the 1970's and early 1980's. We put on a modern irrigation system and after Mt. Saint Helens erupted we had a year where it froze every month of the year in Richfield. That year, with the boost in interest rates to bring inflation under control (12% on land and 16-17% for operating money), we didn't make enough to pay the interest on our debt, let alone the operating and principal payments. Within two years we were out of business. We thus have a personal and up close view of the challenges facing agricultural operations - especially in times of crop failure, inflation, and rising interest rates. I was educated in Idaho, Utah, and Texas. I attended the College of Southern Idaho, graduating with a Associate of Arts. I then attended Utah State University, Logan, UT and graduated with a BS in Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering and a MS in Irrigation Engineering. Upon completion of my BS I worked for the University of Idaho Agricultural Research Center in Kimberly, researching irrigation systems for use on the Bruneau Plateau. Later I went to Texas A & M University in College Station, TX and obtained a PhD in water resources engineering. In 1997 I returned to school to obtain a Juris Doctorate from BYU. All of the schools I attended for my BS, MS, and PhD are agricultural schools and were focused on the basics, teaching students "how" to think rather than "what" to think. Education, in my opinion, is to obtain knowledge that applies to your chosen field and teach students to examine differing ideas and to be able to critically think through differing approaches and methods. This allows the student to develop their own conclusion as to what they believe. What to think should not be imposed on our children and grandchildren by schools and universities but rather they should be taught how to think. I strongly believe in the Constitution of the United States as it is written. I believe that the Declaration of Independence was the vision statement and justification for our nation. Once our nation had achieved independence we then needed to form a government with limited powers so that our government would not repeat the problems that our ancestors had experienced under England and the other nations from which our ancestors arrived. The founders had studied the governments and the history of many nations and attempted to develop a government that would avoid the problems others had encountered. I believe the founders were raised up by God for the purpose of creating the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. I believe the Constitution needs to be interpreted according to what is written as intended by the framers. I do not believe that it is a living document that can be interpreted based on the modern views of government. It is not outdated and does not need to be replaced. The founding fathers studied a variety of forms of government and combined them into a form that would allow us freedom of choice in our lives and protect our rights to private property, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech as well as the other rights found in the bill of rights. This should allow us to have the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our government was designed to protect us from the federal government and those who would want to be tyrants, dictators, and kings. I have worked in the Hospitality/Tourism Industry. After we married my wife, we managed the Ketchum Korral Motor Lodge in Ketchum, ID for two years before moving to Texas. After many wonderful experiences and education (and an occasional stint in Idaho) we returned to Idaho in 2011 and began renting our cabins in Featherville. In 2013 we leased and operated the Hayhurst Bed & Breakfast for 6 1/2 years before it was sold to the present owners. We aggressively marketed the Bed & Breakfast for weddings in the summer & fall, snowmobile groups in the winter and family vacations and reunions in the summers. We continue to rent cabins in the Pine/Featherville area for guests all year. I thus understand the importance of the recreation industry to Idaho and to the 8th District and can understand first hand the challenges we face and how proposed laws impact this important industry. I have worked in the Natural Resources Area for most of my career. My interests have always involved natural resources. As a teen, furrow irrigating our fields in Richfield, I was fascinated with how water flowed and moved sediment (dirt) - mostly filling low spots in the corrugates/furrows and then going a different direction than where it was supposed to go. I also loved using our tractor and make channels though the slush during spring melt & note how the water moved. I also enjoyed watching the erosion processes when water was running over the county roads (especially when school was out for flooding). I have spent the majority of my career studying water flow and sediment transport (movement of dirt & rocks in water) and how that is impacted by vegetation along our streams and rivers. My law studies focused on natural resources law and administrative law. I will bring all of the education and experience I have obtained with me to the Senate if I am elected. I have worked on high visibility projects and issues with diverse teams. As a part of work for the US Army Corps of Engineers, I served on two White House Task Forces that reviewed the 1993 Mississippi and Missouri River Floods that devastated the northern mid-west. As a part of that review we held symposiums that involved the environmental community, national leaders in water flows, river behavior, and flooding. I presented papers, led studies, and was the moderator at some of the meetings. The task forces involved biologists, engineers, environmentalist, NRCS personnel, and other interests all working together. In the beginning the engineers were somewhat distrusted by the biologists and some other members of the team but by the end of the task force we had come to understand one another and our differing motives and were able to work through issues and arrive at recommendations that were good for the rivers, floodplains, and for the nation. From this I have learned that most of those working to protect our environment are dedicated, honest, and committed to making our nation better. We need to be able to discern those who are honest in heart and care for America from those who are simply working for personal gain or political power. I have visited socialist/communist nations. While I was working in Africa, I visited Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which was under communist rule at the time. It was as if time had stopped when the communists took over. There was little, if anything, to buy in stores. Shops with music looked as if time had stopped. Music on sale was from 10 to 15 years before I was there. We walked home from a shopping area through the neighborhoods and found that the people were throwing rocks at us. A local who was, fortunately, walking with us yelled at everyone that we were Americans, not Russians, and the rocks stopped because the citizens of Ethiopia hated the Russians who were "assisting" the ruler of the nation in imposing Communism. That experience has stayed with me ever since.

  • Gary Freeman-Science | Real Science

    I am not a career politician and I am a strong believer that conservative values can protect our nation, state and counties against socialism and environmentalism that will, if not checked, result in the loss of our freedoms in our state, our nation and throughout the world. As a candidate for senator, I committed to helping maintain the conservative momentum in Idaho. I believed that my education and life experiences will be an asset in representing the conservative values of the 8th District. We have lived in a variety of locations from the Timbuktu Region of West Africa to Mississippi, Arizona & Idaho, but Idaho was always home! My wife & I are small business owners and I have worked in large and small corporations and the federal government. I have worked on large projects and teams with diverse membership to arrive at solutions to problems and concerns of national scope. News / Events New Study indicates 5x as many seniors (65+) died from vaccinations as died from COVID. April 5, 2022 - Epoch Times UN Psuedo-Scientists announce that if emissions don't peak by 2025, all is lost (probably because they will be exposed by then. . .) April 5, 2022 - ABC News I believe in freedom from compulsion. My ancestors came to America in the early 1600's for both religious and economic freedom. They came for the right to make their own decisions and live their lives without someone dictating how much money they could make, what religious beliefs they could hold or what they could become. We need to again stand up for those rights to be free from the edicts of society's "elites". Burning Forests and Green New Deals? No COVID Mandates We can't drive our car or harvest trees anwwhere without lectures but we can burn up millions of acres of forests without a word from environmentalists? The medical "elites" are happy to ruin our lives so they can send billions to the pharmaceutical industries for emergency vaccines (that aren't vaccines) when everyday drugs could have worked if the drugs use had been allowed. Return Govt. Power to Lower Levels Teach our Children that we ARE an exceptional Nation National and State Government are both gathering power to higher levels. More state powers needs to be returned to local governments. Liberals are teaching that America is not a good nation at heart. This needs to be ended and our Nation should be honored. I believe that our climate is changing but it has always changed over time. I believe that man's relatively small impact is being selectively over emphasized and used to bring about changes in government and our lives that have nothing to do with protecting our climate. We need to stand up for the right to use and manage our resources. nothing to

  • Issues | Gary Freeman-Science

    MY ISSUES AND BELIEFS I Support Freedom of Choice for all Americans. We should be free to choose our destiny based on our personal beliefs and experiences. We should be taught how to evaluate real facts and arrive at our own conclusion as to what is best for us and our families. Government should not be forcing us to reach their conclusions about our lives. This also applies to philosophies across the political spectrum. No one should be forced to follow any political or religious ideology. The changing of hearts and minds should be through love, education, open discussion, and the reasoning one with another. I oppose Environmental Social Governance Scores (ESG) - See my ESG Tab for More Information. I oppose climate change paranoia and the associated unwillingness to honestly debate disagreement with currently accepted theories. I oppose irrational closures of businesses and lock downs that leave most businesses closed and only large corporations open, thus causing small business failures and transferring wealth to large corporations from hard working American small businesses. I oppose mandates of experimental drugs until use is proven safe and effective; and then only if absolutely necessary for public safety. The vast set of circumstances should involve education and the presentation of facts supporting vaccinations and not mandates. I oppose banning of ideas and discussions from social media and in mainstream media; I support open and free discussion and debate of opposing views and beliefs without censorship or compulsion. I support off ramps for welfare programs to assist those on the programs to become fully self-sufficient. I support education reform that allows public schools to compete for students with private options; I believe high schools and universities need to teach students "how to think" rather than "what to think". America is great because we think for ourselves rather than having "elites" think for us!

  • Support | Gary Freeman-Science

    Support I'M A TITLE. CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR OWN TEXT AND EDIT ME. I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me and you can start adding your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you. I'M A TITLE. CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR OWN TEXT AND EDIT ME. I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me and you can start adding your own content and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you. I'M A TITLE. CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR OWN TEXT AND EDIT ME. I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me and you can start adding your own content and make changes to the font. I'M A TITLE. CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR OWN TEXT AND EDIT ME. I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me and you can start adding your own content and make changes to the font. I'M A TITLE. CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR OWN TEXT AND EDIT ME. I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me and you can start adding your own content and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

  • Climate Change | Gary Freeman-Science

    Climate Change - Existential Crisis??? CLIMATE CHANGE IS DRIVEN BY POLITICS NOT CARBON DIOXIDE AND COVID 19 IS DRIVEN BY ROBBER BARONS GETTING RICH FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! It has been interesting and frustrating to watch climate change skeptics (of which I'm one) be driven out of the discussion of climate. i absolutely believe in climate change but I do not believe that it is caused by man. It varies naturally on a global scale based on a lot of factors but man's release of carbon dioxide is not one of the major factors. One does not have to look far to see lots of evidence that climate change is the same kind of science that COVID vaccinations and mandates are. They are both driven by "political" science. When the politicians are saying "Follow the Science" and leading the science (think Al Gore) they are referring to political science rather than real science that is based on open discussions of theories, data, and varying points of opinion. Real science takes years for a consensus to result and even then there will be those that dissent. Scientific theories take decades, if not centuries, to be proven, not a year or two. When this scientific discussion/debate is constrained or eliminated you arrived at the 1500's when Galileo was put under house arrest for teaching the heresy that the earth rotated around the sun. Those that have not bought into the climate change paranoia have been called climate deniers and denied access to journals and public discussions. Is this any different from history? As they say, if you do not study history your are bound to repeat it. Below are two graphs that show historical temperature averages. The one on the top is the one that supports climate change where the methodology has never been released (not suspicious at all. . .) and the one on the bottom is the data where the methodology by which the data was developed is open and transparent. The proponent of the top chart (Mann) recently lost a liable lawsuit against the one that developed the bottom chart (Ball) because he would never produce his methodology as to how he adjusted the data to show massive climate change that the world had never seen before. The only problem was that the current "existential" climate crisis isn't anywhere near as warm as it was historically (according to the bottom chart) when the earth was still green & beautiful. The current "existential" climate crisis is again political theater being used to bankrupt the United States by those would either get rich from it or gain power from the failure of the US economy. The graphs below were presented as a part of a liable suit brought against Ball by Mann after Ball said that Mann should be in state pen rather in working at Penn State. Mann would never produce his methodology as to how he went about developing the upper chart. After 8 years the judge not only threw out his suit but awarded costs and attorney fees to Ball. That usually means the judge found that Mann had not cooperated with the court and basically ticked off the judge in the British Columbia court where the case was filed. I would note that the graph below is not comparing apples to apples. The top graph is how much did the average temperature vary from the average annual temperature from 1900-1990. The bottom graph is the average temperature that has been determined for Europe during a slightly different time period (200 AD to 2,000 AD for Ball vs 1000 AD to 2000 AD for Mann). The point is that if the European Continent was greater than 0.5 degrees centigrade warmer for about 100 years, you should see something show up in the Mann data but it doesn't. If anything the Mann Data is showing global temperatures below normal for that period. While neither data is conclusive (especially since Mann won't release his methodology), an honest discussion should follow rather than name calling and stonewalling. Another problem is the adjustments to the temperature data used in climate modeling as shown below. Note how the more recent the data is lower the historical temperatures are for the GISS Global 5 Year Temperature Trends. The latest version shown (GISS 2015) has been lowered by about 0.3 of a degree from the 1980 data and the warm period from 1940 has been reduced. This tends to increase the rate of temperature change historically and supports increased climate change in modeling the future. Remember the old computer "adage - garbage in = garbage out". The temperatures had stabilized and were becoming more stable since about the year 2000. A few years ago the calibration for the ocean surface temperatures on the satellites was changed as I remember and now temperatures are soaring again. That is too convenient for a time when some in our nation aare calling for TRILLIONS or ever HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS of dollars to fight man-made climate change is not even happening. When the data is being manipulated how can you trust any of the modeling or predictions? The alarmists have been spouting one world ending crisis after another for over 100 years. When I was young back in the 1960's people were talking about the next ice age that was surely coming. Now it is global warming but when that didn't happen for 15 years or so we had to call it climate change. In fact in 1785, Thomas Jefferson bemoaned the fact that rivers didn't freeze over like they used to and the fruit now froze in the spring because the snow wasn't as deep and didn't stay as long in the mountains. It sounds like it could have been written this year rather than almost 250 years ago. In 1922 the Washington Post contained an article that the Gulf Stream had warmed and the glaciers were all melting and it was likely the end of the world. We need to look at history and note histrionics of the doomsday crowd and see it for what it is - an attempt to stir up mass hysteria to obtain a political goal rather than the end of the world. If you visit Alaska you will find that in about 1910 there was a warm spell and glaciers retreated by a mile or more with one retreating about 2 1/2 miles in a single year. Thus next time you read about a new climate crisis that is "existential" in scope (world ending), take heart, it's likely just the latest in a long line of existential crisis that has gone on for the last 100 years. This is especially true when the proponents are caught changing the data to favor their preferred outcome and won't allow debate, start calling their detractors names and try to ban them from the pubic square. Whether this is climate change, COVID19, or what ever the crisis is that sure to kill you soon - especially if it's a virus that is being treated early with over the counter medicines in some parts of the world - take a breath and figure out that the earth has withstood shocks from meteors, huge volcanic eruptions and the huge forest fires caused by the failure to harvest overgrown forests so it can likely survive this latest "existential" crisis as well. The cost of "fighting climate change" is in the trillions of dollars - likely above $100 Trillion - that's $100,000,000.000.00. Do we want to give that to the "elites" that want all of our money so they have it all and we "own (have) nothing and love it"? I SUSPECT YOU DON'T EITHER!

  • Contact My Campaign | Gary Freeman-Science

    Contact Please feel free to contact me. I am always willing to discuss my position on any issue. The discussion is what makes America great and helps us to understand one another. I am always open to information that may help me understand an issue better. We may not always agree on all the issues but there are many issues we can agree on. If we disagree on an issue I believe that we can disagree without being disagreeable. I would like to hear your thoughts and am happy to discuss my views. The best way to contact me is via e-mail at: You may also phone me at (208) 653-2787. Thanks! Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • COVID Science | Gary Freeman-Science

    REAL SCIENCE VS. COVID "SCIENCE" OR "FLIP FLOP FAUCI SCIENCE" This past two years we have had COVID "science". Amazingly it follows the same pattern as climate change "science". Make lots of claims, de-platform those who disagree because they are spreading "dangerous" ideas that the vaccines may have risks or may be dangerous on their own. Take away doctor's licenses because they have differing opinions (remember Galileo?) that go against the approved text for the pandemic. Science is the open discussion of ideas and if that is not allowed you can be certain that the science that Dr. Fauci represents is the "political science" sort rather that the real science that he is doing everything within his power to silence. The latest studies show that five times more people age 65+ died from the COVID vaccines than died from COVID itself (Epoch Times 4/5/22) and that Ivermectin is the most effective treatment available when used early. How many billions did the pharmaceutical companies help themselves to from the federal treasury while the middle class was forced to close their businesses and stay home to protect themselves from a viral infection that data is now clearly showing could have been treated early with readily available and cheap medications? We used chloroquine (developed in 1934) weekly when we were in Africa to protect against malaria. An alternate formulation, hydroxychloroquine is safe and effective but the use of these drugs would have prevented the emergency authorization necessary for Fauci to send billions of dollars to big pharma for their vaccines that don't vaccinate! Fauci and big pharma had to have an emergency authorization for their "vaccines" in order to impose them on America and the world. If Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine were shown to be effective against COVID the vaccines could not be authorized for "emergency" use. This accounts for the pressure to de-platform and silence those who were showing both of these common and inexpensive drugs to be effective in treating COVID. It is time we stood up to "political" science and returned again to real scientific debate that focuses on real facts, not adjusted data that only includes debate and statements that supports the elites' contrived view of the truth. Most of the great scientists we revere went up against the exact type of opposition we see in today's public debates on COVID and and the supposed existential (world ending) climate change. Idaho needs to ensure that our science is sound and that all sides of an issue can be heard and considered by government and citizens to make informed decisions based on TRUE SCIENCE not POLITICAL OR "FAUCI" SCIENCE.

  • Donate and Assist | Gary Freeman-Science

    Donate and Assist with my Campaign Since the campaign is over donations are not currently being accepted. We very much appreciate all the assistance and donations we received during my campaign. Whether you were able to donate money, tell your neighbors and friends about our campaign, put up signs or hand out flyers, we greatly appreciated your help! Thank You!!! Photo by Jackie Elswood

  • Env. Soc. Gov. (ESG) | Gary Freeman-Science

    Environmental Social Governance Scoring (ESG) I am opposed to ESG scoring. What is ESG? Environmental Social Governance Scoring is a way to track how well companies are doing with environmental issues (primarily fighting climate change and meeting environmental goals) , social issues (are you "woke" enough), and governance issues (are you making sure your employees are doing their part in the Environmental and Social issues) as well as how diverse your leadership is. A summary of ESG by those who believe in it is found in a paper from the Harvard Law School ( ). ESG is a way to score businesses for how they are doing in being good citizens in the world rather than if they are making money for their stockholders. Thus your social scores become more important than (or at least as important as) your ability to make money for your investors. The problem comes in the criteria being used and how it is applied. The criteria are based on the belief that climate change is an "existential" (world ending) threat and that the current "woke" agenda includes the proper criteria for judging businesses and that it is their right to impose their views on others. There is currently a bill in Congress called the Fair Access to Banking Act that would prevent discrimination by banks and financial institutions against businesses that are constitutionally protected, law abiding operations. Given the climate in Congress (Democratic control) it is unlikely that the bill will be passed before a new Congress and President are elected. As such this issue needs to be addressed by the state so that discrimination against businesses that are not favored under ESG criteria are not cut off from loans and other assistance they need to operate and be successful. The ESG criteria for Environmental includes carbon footprints (how much carbon do you generate), greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, biodiversity, climate change, and so forth. The criteria for the Social scoring include racial justice, board diversity, and other social justice issues. One of the criteria under the Governance criteria is political contributions and lobbying. This should send shivers down your back. It is a back door way to force your business into compliance with Green New Deal philosophies and social justice ("woke") criteria. The next step is to move this scoring system to individuals and control your personal access to finances, insurance, professional licenses and commerce in general. Those using ESG will use things like your political contributions and lobbying efforts to judge and score you and your company. China is using a similar system to track their citizens and score them based on their political leanings. I don't view this as a good advancement and I am opposed to the whole system being applied for decisions regarding the provision of services to businesses, families or individuals. I am not opposed to voluntary use of these guidelines and if large companies want to brag to investors about how well they are doing meeting the goals, more power to them. The problem comes when they begin to tie the ability to get loans for business operations, insurance policies, or professional licenses to ESG scores. Then businesses and individuals who aren't meeting the goals of the current fad for scoring can't get services because their ESG scores are too low and their risks are deemed to be too high due to political reasons rather than the ability to repay the loan or use the service. Large businesses will have the money to buy items that glean favor from the liberals (such as fleets of electric cars) that raise their scores whereas most small businesses may not be able to make such investments. This would force small businesses out of business. Another proposal is to tie interest rates on loans to ESG scores. How would the score for arms manufacturing, timber (remember deforestation?) or the gas & oil industry be set? If banks begin to use these scores to decide who gets loans or access to their own money in the banks - where does that leave conservative businesses that also donate to conservative causes. This allows big banks (or insurance companies, or any other business) who use ESG scores to deny loans to these "less desirable" companies (who may be more desirable to Idahoans) simply for being associated with the political party out of favor. ESG scores should never be used for making decisions on loans, insurance, or any other business service that a company (or individual) is seeking. We need to outlaw ESG scoring in business decisions. If investors want to use it to select among companies they support, great, but keep it out of the lives of everyday citizens. What happened to the Canadian Truckers is what happens to you when ESG scoring is used against the people. The only extra thing Trudeau used was arrest of those thought to be "undesirable". If ESG scores can be used by business against the people, how far is it until they are used by big government to decide how desirable you are to their society and begin to restrict your access to loans, licenses, banking, housing, and so forth? Idaho needs to notify big banks and others that ESG may not be used in Idaho to restrict the ability of our citizens to receive services from any business - including large "woke" corporations.

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